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The First Step of a Six-Step Social Media Marketing Plan

Social marketing on social media platforms can be quite rigorous, especially when someone decides to venture into it without any plan. Today, it is more focused on the first step of creating a social media marketing plan. This is a key step, and it is on this that the remaining process rests. Let's dive in!

Step 1: Setting Clear Goals

The first and the most important thing when it comes to social media marketing is defining relevant and realistic objectives. Just as you cannot start driving without knowing the destination in a road map, the same applies to planning your trip in the context of the Financial market. Without goals, you are at the mercy of the social media labyrinth, and who knows where you’ll end up. This is why this step is so crucial and how to do it properly.

Why Setting Goals Matters

  • Gives Direction: Goals help you know where to focus your energy. They keep you from wasting time on things that don’t matter.
  • Measures Success: Clear goals let you track your progress. They help you see if your efforts are working or if you need to change course.
  • Boosts Motivation: Goals give your team something to aim for. They help keep everyone on the same page and work towards the same objectives.

How to Set Effective Goals

  • Be Specific: Instead of saying “I want more followers,” say “I want to increase my Instagram followers by 20% in three months.”
  • Make Them Measurable: Use numbers and data. For example, track engagement rates or website clicks.
  • Achievable Goals: It’s good to be ambitious, but make sure your goals are realistic. Setting impossible goals can be discouraging.
  • Relevant Goals: Your goals should align with your business objectives. If your goal is to boost sales, focus on driving traffic to your online store.
  • Time-bound Goals: Set deadlines. Whether it’s a month, a quarter, or a year, having a timeframe keeps you on track.

For a deeper understanding of goal setting, check out this SMART goals guide.

Examples of Social Media Goals

  • Increase Brand Awareness: “Reach 50,000 people on Facebook by the end of the quarter.”
  • Boost Engagement: “Increase Instagram post engagement by 15% over the next six months.”
  • Drive Website Traffic: “Get 1,000 website clicks from social media each month.”
  • Generate Leads: “Capture 200 new leads from LinkedIn by year-end.”
  • Improve Customer Service: “Reduce Twitter response time to under one hour in the next two months.”

For more on setting effective social media goals, you can explore Sprout Social's insights.

Tools and Techniques for Setting Goals

Use the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to ensure your goals are clear and reachable. Tools like Google Analytics, Hootsuite, and Sprout Social can help you understand your current performance and set realistic goals.


Defining objectives is the initial and maybe the most critical stage of any social media marketing strategy. It provides the course of action, has the yardstick for evaluation, and fosters motivation among the team. Defining specific, achievable, relevant goals and a time frame for achieving them means that you are on the right track to social media marketing.